
Mostrando entradas de 2016


Scrath 10 bloques https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/125474021/ LA HISTORIA DE SCRATCH https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/129067487/ Untitled https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/127956344/  EL LABERINTO   https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/143317056/ MBLOCK: PARA LOS SIGUIENTES TRABAJOS SE NECESITA ESTO Y UN ARDUINO. http://www.mblock.cc/downloa    LA ELECTRCIDAD INTRODUCCIÓN A LA ELECTRÓNICA TEMA 1: Electricidad Para trabajar con las placas de Arduino y enviarles electricidad se pueden usar tanto pilas como acumuladores, y también el puerto USB de los ordenadores. Las pilas generan electricidad por sus componentes químicos, mientras que los acumuladores liberan la electricidad que han almacenado previamente Este es el símbolo de una pila o de una batería La tensión o el voltaje eléctrico de una pila se mide en voltios y se representa mediante una V.  Una pila alcalina proporciona 1.5 V  Una pila recargable proporciona 1.2 V  El puerto



                                                      PRÓXIMAMENTE PLÁSTICA FRANCÉS LENGUA


Inglés Conversación por teléfono Hello Hello How are you? Fine and you? same Where are we going today Let's go to the clouds It's at 5:30 Yes i will be there  bye bye Descripción de alguien famoso Cristiano is a popular soccer player. His birthday is February 5, 1985. He is Portuguese. He was born in portugal.Ronaldo is famous for many reasons. Has won many drinks in total are 21 drinks. He plays as a striker at the Real Madrid Football Club of the Spanish First Division and in the selection of Portugal, of which he is captain. Throughout its professional race, it has managed to beat diverse records Among them the maximum historical scorer of the Champions League How does it look like? He is medium height and he is thin, he's got dark brown hair. his eyesare also brown. he has gotdark skin. What is he like? He is understanding, sensatíve,competive and very confident. He skilful in the football pitch